Digital PR

Link Building

Tried and tested link building techniques that result in natural links from high authority websites.

The What

Link Building Services

Link building is an integral tactic, sometimes used within strategies and campaigns, in which communication and content are used to secure links back to the brand’s website from external sites.

This process of utilising other sites’ domain authority to your advantage can push your site higher up in the rankings too. This is due to the fact that Google recognises how many established and trusted sites directly point to yours using links.

But to gain these links, you have to earn your place on the site. There are many people choosing to buy links to secure their place, or opting to use spammy sites that aren’t relevant to their industry or service/product.

Choosing sites carefully based on audience, authority and reputation is fundamental for link builders when they begin creating a solid foundation for your site to grow from.

There’s next to no point in building links from irrelevant sites, as whilst it may push your site further up the ranks, the traffic is less likely to convert as the audience isn’t as interested. Meanwhile, the authority of the site can depend on how old the site is and how many strong backlinks they have.

But which link building strategies translate into success for your site?

The How

Making link building work for you

Google’s methods for measuring the true value of a good link will forever be a mystery for SEO link building workers, but that doesn’t mean we can’t adapt our processes to get great results.

With over 14 years of experience in the SEO industry, our team ensure our link building services are effective and bring results. By creating content that is engaging, useful and most importantly, linkable is fundamental.

By researching your industry, we ensure that every piece of content is relevant to your brand, product or services, and the sites we want to link back to you. Whether that’s from a guest post offering expert insight into a topic or a relevant case study a journalist is looking for, the content must be relevant.

Using industry-standard tools, the processes are there to ensure that any linkable assets we create for your brand are relevant and hitting keywords and points – whether that’s an infographic, a how-to guide or an online tool.

Whatever the content entails, we ensure that you have the authority to speak on it, to further establish your credibility within the media, but also to reinforce that trust with any traffic coming from the high-quality link.

Monitoring what types of stories, content or media relations are earning the most high-quality backlinks is another way to ensure you’re keeping ahead of the curve.

Having a polite but timely response to any links added to sites is also important. We don’t like the phrase ‘chase up’, but a gentle nudge to add a link to the piece is always helpful.

The Why

Why will link building help my brand?

We’re driven to reach the number of links to your site that your brand may need to see an improvement in traffic, sales and rankings because we know how important it is to see long term results.

Any good link building agency knows how brand authority can impact everything across the board, from sales to reputation and media placement. Having a strong authority online by having an extensive backlink profile reinforces this.

Earning links also puts your site onto new screens, referring organic traffic that could convert into sales. Having people talk about your brand in reference to quality, highly relevant content they’ve seen is fantastic for building brand reputation.

Let the links do the work for you. Link building has developed over the years, and even though it may have changed slightly, the principle hasn’t. If you invest in earning and building good quality back links now, you’ll see sustained success in the future.

Faqs image

Link Building: Frequently Asked Questions

What are link building services?

You can invest in link building services to help you arrange for links to your site to appear in other locations across the internet, directing a higher number of relevant users to your content.

Tecmark uses “white hat” link building techniques, avoiding spam sites, paid links and other less organic approaches.

We’ll complete a full backlink audit for you, then seek out new relevant link targets and create personalised outreach proposals for each. We also employ tried and tested outreach tools used by bloggers, journalists and PR professionals to extend our reach still further.

Link equity refers to the perceived value of a link, as determined by a search engine. Links with greater equity tend to rank higher.

Both internal and external links have a particular level of link equity, which is calculated using the level of “authority” the linking site holds, the relevance of the link, its anchor text, http status and location, and more factors besides.

Internal links are the links that take users between pages – or other content and resources – within a single website or domain.

External links take users from the current page they are viewing to a page on a totally different site or domain.

External links have more SEO value than internal ones, as they direct a user into your domain instead of allowing them to move between pages in a domain they have already accessed.

This technique involves tracking down “broken” links to your website or domain and “fixing” them, either by replacing them, rewriting broken content or updating them via a webmaster.

Anchor text is the visible, clickable content of a HTML hyperlink – the words used to explain to users where the link will take them. It can serve as a significant ranking factor as long as it is properly optimised, relevant and placed in the right location.

There are so many benefits to link building SEO since it is regarded as such a crucial factor to Google’s algorithm. Benefits of link building include:

– Website and brand credibility
– Higher search engine rankings on Google
– Backlinks leading to an increase in user traffic
– Potential increases in conversion rates and sales
– Improved domain authority (DA) and other SEO scores
– Positioning your business as Expert, Authoritative and Trustworthy (E-A-T)

Although Google continues to constantly update and optimise its algorithm, link building has always remained a vital ranking factor on their search engine. Quality link building has become more important than ever as Google is becoming wiser to black hat link building tactics in SEO such as spam links and broken links which could negatively affect your search ranking. Building links naturally through high-quality content will always be the best link building tactic.


We build links and generate leads with your customer in mind to help you build your brand and grow your website & business.

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