Launching an app is one thing, but getting it seen is another.
There are now more than 300,000 iPhone apps on the Apple App Store and there are in excess of 100,000 Android apps available. So marketing your mobile app is more important than ever in these increasingly crowded marketplaces.
iPhone App Marketing from Tecmark
Tecmark has an in house Internet Marketing team with the experience and expertise to undertake your iPhone app marketing.
Whatever type of app and whoever your target market is, we will device an iPhone app marketing strategy to ensure a great level fo exposure and, ultimately, more downloads from the Apple App Store.
Android App Marketing
The number of Android apps on the market is now inexcess of 100,000 and this is growing rapidly! Don’t let your app simply blend in with the rest.
Tecmark’s in house Digital Marketing team can implement a bespoke Android App Marketing strategy to ensure your latest mobile app gets the exposure it needs!
Cross Platform Mobile App Marketing
While iPhone, iPad and Android are currently the most competitive in terms of applications, as Smartphone continues to grow at its rapid rate, so too does the level of competition you face when trying to get your app noticed.
As well as designing, developing and delivering mobile apps across iPhone, iPad, Android, Symbian, Blackberry and Windows Mobile, we also market cross platform too.
We’ll get your app on your target market’s devices!