An opportunity to go to LinkLove with the rest of my team? Great! I have a brilliant idea for Distilled’s competition about how my experience writing for magazines helped me make the transition to digital marketing. You could have read that piece if Adria Saracino hadn’t published a post covering basically the same idea just […]Read more
February 28, 2013 by Guest contributor in Search
As we wave goodbye to Christmas and we wrap up the 2012 reporting, we’re starting to look forward to developments in digital marketing and mobile over the coming 12 months. Here are 6 things I’m expecting and looking forward to this year. 1. The Mobile Tipping Point 2010, 2011 and 2012 were all dubbed ‘the […]Read more
January 7, 2013 by Stacey MacNaught in Search
Yesterday , Google’s very own spam fighting ninja geek, Matt Cutts, took to the stage at Las Vegas convention and announced that (at long last) Google has launched a tool to enable webmasters to disavow links. Shortly after, Google posted this confirmation. But what is this tool and who’s it aimed at? What is the […]Read more
October 17, 2012 by Stacey MacNaught in Search
Since early June, we’ve had Tytherington Sixth Form student, Elliott Davidson, working with us at Tecmark. Today’s his last day in the Tecmark office and in this blog post, he shares his experience. My name is Elliott Davidson I am a student at Tytherington Sixth form and I study business and finance. I contacted Tecmark […]Read more
July 20, 2012 by Guest contributor in News
This week at Tecmark Towers, we’ve had a new face in the office – Alexandra, a year 10 student from Newman College, has joined us on a work experience placement. Seeing as she impressed us all with her hard-working attitude and the quality of her writing, we thought it was only right that she ended […]Read more
July 13, 2012 by Guest contributor in News
To use this on your own site, copy the text below and paste onto your webpage Infspamic by Tecmark SEO Spam Emails – The Bane of the Internet It never ceases to amaze us just how much spam both our clients and we get from people touting themselves as SEOs, offering a guaranteed number 1 […]Read more
July 3, 2012 by Stacey MacNaught in Search
In recent years, we’ve seen Internet shopping growing at a phenomenal rate. From big high street retailers to businesses that do all their trading online, the growth of e-commerce has provided a valuable new revenue stream in almost every customer-facing industry. And the companies that have best understood what constitutes a good online shopping experience […]Read more
May 29, 2012 by Guest contributor in Search
When asked about famous rivalries you may think of Batman versus The Joker, Manchester United versus Liverpool FC or maybe even VHS versus Betamax. With the continued popularity of smartphones, more and more retailers are launching either mobile websites or mobile applications, which raises a new rivalry – the mobile website versus the native app. […]Read more
May 8, 2012 by Guest contributor in Apps